
Perl Modules

Shlomi Fish


Perl supports both packages (or namespaces) and modules.

A module is a file that contains related functions and variables. It can be re-used by several scripts as well as other modules. Modules can be loaded at run-time and then their functions can be called. This goes a long way to provide code encapsulation and avoid duplicate code.

Packages are namespaces in which functions and variables can be placed. A module or even a script can contain several packages. Two different packages can each contain functions or variables with the same identifiers, without these interfering with one another. This helps make sure that there are no clashes in the code.

It is generally a good idea for a module to contain identifiers only inside packages under the same name. That way one can be sure that they won't clash with those of other modules, including those of third parties.

Furthermore, packages are the basis for Perl's system of Object Oriented Programming.

In this tutorial we'll cover:

Declaring a Package

In order to designate that code belongs to a particular namespace you should use the package directive. For instance, if you want your namespace (and module) name to be "MyModule" your file should look something like this:

    # This is the file

    package MyModule;

    use strict;

    sub a_function
        print "Hello, World!\n";


Note that a module has to return a true value to the Perl interpreter, so it's customary to end your module file with a 1; (see perldoc -f require for why this is so).

A namespace may contain sub-namespaces. To separate namespace components, use the :: separator. For example:

    # This is the file Hoola/

    package Hoola::Hoop;

    my $counter = 0;

    sub get_counter
        return $counter++;


Where to find a module

A module is a separate file that may contain one or more different namespaces. That file is found in a place that corresponds to the module's name. To find the filename of the module relative to the script's directory, replace every :: with a slash and add ".pm" to the name of the last component.

For instance: the MyModule module will be found in the file ""; the Hello::World module will be found in the file "" under the Hello sub-directory; etc.

Importing Modules and their Functions

In order to have access to a module from within your script (or from within another module) you can use the use directive followed by the name of the module as it is deduced from its path. Here's an example: assume that the file "" contains:

    # This is the file

    package MyModule;

    use strict;

    sub a_function
        print "Hello, World!\n";


And this is your script:


    use MyModule;

    # Notice that we use "::" to call the function out of the module.

That way, the program will print "Hello, World!" on the screen.

++ Reviewed thru to here ++

Accessing Functions from a Different Module

As could be seen from the last example, once the module has been use'd, its functions can be invoked by typing the full path of the package followed by :: and followed by the function name.

Note that if you are in package Foo and you are trying to access functions from package Foo::Bar, then typing Bar::my_func() will not do. You have to type the full path of the module. (Foo::Bar::my_func() in our case)

Exporting Functions

It is possible to make a functions of your module automatically available in any other namespace or script that uses it. To do so one needs to type the following code fragment near the beginning of the module:

    use Exporter;

    use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);


    @EXPORT=("function1", "function2", "function3");

What this fragment does is make the module inherit the Exporter module which is a special Perl module that can export symbols. Then it declares the special variable @EXPORT which should be filled with all the functions that one wishes to export.

Here is an example which has a module called "Calc" and a script that uses it:

    # File:
    package Calc;

    use strict;

    use Exporter;

    use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);


    @EXPORT = ("gcd");

    # This function calculates the greatest common divisor of two integers 
    sub gcd
        my $a = shift;
        my $b = shift;

        if ($b > $a)
            ($a, $b) = ($b , $a);

        while ($a % $b > 0)
            ($a, $b) = ($b, $a % $b);

        return $b;



    use strict;

    use Calc;

    my $a = 200;
    my $b = 15;

    print "gcd(\$a,\$b) == " , gcd($a,$b), "\n";

As you can see, the script invokes the "gcd" function of the "Calc" module without having to invoke it with Calc::gcd(). Exporting functions like that should be used with care, as the function names may conflict with those of the importing namespace.

Importing Variables

It is also possible to import or export the global variables of different modules. However, such variables need to be declared using the use vars qw($myvar1 @myvar2) construct.

Here's an example for a module that defines a variable and another one that access it:

    # This file is
    package MyVar;

    use strict;

    # Declare a namespace-scoped variable named $myvar.
    use vars qw($myvar);

    sub print_myvar
        print $myvar, "\n";



    use strict;

    use MyVar;

    $MyVar::myvar = "Hello";


    $MyVar::myvar = "World";



There are two special code blocks for perl modules - BEGIN and END. These blocks are executed when a module is first loaded, and when the perl interpreter is about to unload it, respectively.

Here's an example for a logging module that makes use of this facility:

    # File :

    package MyLog;

        open MYLOG, ">mylog.txt";

    sub log
        my $what = shift;

        # Strip the string of newline characters
        $what =~ s/\n//g;

        # The MYLOG filehandle is already open by virtue of the BEGIN
        # block.
        print MYLOG $what, "\n";



The "main" Namespace

One can access the main namespace (i.e, the namespace of the script), from any other namespace by designating main as the namespace path. For instance, main::hello() will invoke the function named "hello" in the script file.

Usually, the "main" part can be omitted and the symbols be accessed with the notation of ::hello() alone.

Difference between Namespaces and Modules

See Also

    perldoc perlmod
    perldoc perlmodlib
    Writing Perl Modules for CPAN - Sam Tregar
    Perl for Perl Newbies - Lecture Series
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